- Frankreich, Paris
- Jahrgang:2000
- Assistent seit:2023
- Führerschein:PKW
- Eigenes Auto:kein eigenes Auto verfügbar
- Reisepass:vorhanden
- Sprachen:Englisch
- Telefon: 0749868186
- petrunatheodor@gmail.com
Fotoassistent, Digital Operator
Theodor Petruna
People, Portrait, Architektur, Produktions Assi
Know How:
I am a Cinematographer in training. I have experience in various production roles, such as Production Assistant, Camera crew (1st & 2nd AC), and Video Operator Assistant, working with companies like Paramount Pictures, Wandal
Production, and RTVS (Radio and Television of Slovakia). I have skills in Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, and Da Vinci Resolve.
I have experience working with HMI, LED, and Tungsten lights, adding various gels and diffusions.
Referenzen als Assistent / Werdegang
After completing my Bachelor's with a Major in Cinematography I am currently studying for my Master's in Photography. I haven’t assisted a photographer yet
but I have rich experience in being a light and camera technician. I have worked on over 40 short films in those roles.
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