- Italien, Florenz
- Jahrgang:1988
- Assistent seit:2012
- Führerschein:PKW
- Eigenes Auto:eigenes Auto verfügbar
- Reisepass:vorhanden
- Sprachen:Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- Telefon: +393389291362
- https://www.marcosallese.it/
- marco.sallese@gmail.com
Fotoassistent, Digital Operator
People, Portrait, Architektur, Location Scout, Mode, Beauty, Reportage, Produktions Assi, Stilllife, Food, Landscape, Transportation, Auslandserfahrung
Know How:
I'm familiar witch alla Canon / Fuji / Sony / Nikon / Hasselblad / Phase One system and relatives softwares
Adobe Suite / Capture One
I'm familiar with lighting equipment both for stills
and video / Profoto / Broncolor / Godox / Elinchrome
I'm fluent in English and Spanish and my mother language is Italian, I got driving license and my own car.
Ready for everything.
Referenzen als Assistent / Werdegang
Architect, Studied Photography in Florence and Madrid in EFTI Academy.
Started working as an assistant in Spain with many professionals, both in Madrid and La Coruña. Came back Italy where started collaborating with Nedo Baglioni and lots of International Photographers via this website.
Roberto Pogson, Fotoassistent, 1-5 Jobs
Xoan Piñon, Fotoassistent, 6-12 Monate
Nedo Baglioni, Fotoassistent, mehr als 1 Jahr
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